By Robin Bougie
Hentai? More like hen-TAIL — amirite, guise? hur hur. Ok, no more lame jokes, I promise. So what have we got here? Oh, a 3D sex game with an anime theme! Excellent. Bring it to my quarters (clap clap) I wish to further examine it at my leisure. Verily.
One of my main complaints about the first version of this game, “Hentai 3D”, was that the bizarre and exciting pervo-strangeness present in most imported hentai manga and anime was absent.

and play with yourself and stare at us like this.
Trust her on this one.
Happily, those insane elements have been implemented into “Hentai 3D 2”, which is a massive improvement on the first in not only gameplay, camera control, and customisation elements, but in graphics and overall sexiness as well.
First thing I did before spreading nut-butter on titty-toast, was decide who my two main characters would be, and what kinky elements of game play I’d like to adventure with. The sex shop had mounds of locations, characters, clothes, sex positions, and even body modifications one could “buy” with their sex coin credits. Of particular interest to me was the “vagina customisation” module. “Create a hot wet sweet little pussy ready to be stroked and poked” read the description. I bought it, and gave everyone fat, hammy labias. Wha-haha! So this is what it feels like to be god!?

far too long, but it’s her word against mine,
and I’m real. So there.
I decided to play a dude with a green mohawk called Ryu. My main sex partner I chose was Mitsu, a florist from Hong Kong whose bio said: “I’m of the type: Giver”. (Yeah, well we were gonna make sure of that, weren’t we?) Our first round of play took place in a sportscar garage. I tied up Mitsu with her ass in the air, and then walked around and looked at the cars while she whined stuff like “C’monnn babeee?! Make me wet?”. I didn’t wanna seem too eager, so I just let her squirm like that for awhile. By the time I was ready to jackhammer her with a dildo, she practically pussy-farted a puddle on me. That’s what you call makin’ em wait. Anime girls love that shit.

Werk it, gurl! Weeerk iiit.
I suggested a “camera club” style photo shoot, and Mitsu and I pretended that we were doing a spread for Hustler magazine. She did all kinds of sexy poses, and I scampered around and snapped pics like a deranged giggling shutterbug. FUN!
My Hong Kong maiden changed into a cute flight attendant outfit I bought for her in the sex store, and we retired to her bedroom. She warmed up by sitting on the floor and masturbating while moaning and staring into my eyes.

when they’re in those cute outfits?
I reciprocated by stroking out a Peter North-sized load of penis pudding into her face and then throwing her on the bed.
She squealed and gargled out some cummy moans while I missionary-sexed her like a missionary on a mission to to have missionary sex.
Now I was ready for the weird shit, and like I said, “Hentai 3D 2” was willing and able to provide. I entered “the tentacle monster’s lair”, not really knowing what to expect (ok, I’m not stupid, I was expecting a tentacle monster in a lair, obviously) and Mitsu was standing there in an outfit I hadn’t given her permission to wear. Before I could ask what was up, she started grilling me.
“You have to answer these questions so I can find out if you’re deserving of this” she quipped. “Oh man” I thought, “This just gets cooler and cooler!”. I won’t give away what the answers were, but she actually had some pretty cool trivia questions about Japanese kink that I was perverted enough to know. Before I could say “Miyazaki moose knuckles”, she was naked and getting fucked by a crazy tentacle monster! This thing was going nuts, man. It held her fast, banged her faster, and even squirted green goo! AWESOME!

If I was impressed with that, I was even more amazed at what awaited me in “the hanger”, which looked a lot like the loading bay in ALIENS. There, I doggystyled Mitsu for a bit, and then we became aware that we weren’t alone. Just then, a crazy 25 foot horny robot grabbed her and started fucking the gyoza out of her with a big fist-drill! At first I was like: “ohh yeaaah” but then I noticed that Mitsu was screaming, her sexual excitement levels had dropped to zero, and her pain receptors were running into the red at 97%!
That was kinda fucked up, so I had the robot switch to it’s metal dick instead.I’d hoped that would be some sort of relief for poor Mitsu, whom I had actually come to care for somewhat even though she was just some wiggling flesh-colored animation. The metal monster loomed, and as it held her in it’s gasp and lowered her petite fragile form onto it’s mighty metallic dong, I ran around between it’s legs and looked up to make sure everything was kosher.

My eyes widened when I saw that the damn thing had biohazard symbols on it’s giant balls! Uh oh…. poor Mitsu….!
Overall, I was really impressed with “Hentai 3D 2”, and thanks to it having many more characters, situations and surprises than I even had room to babble about here, I am willing to recommend it wholeheartedly. Check it out!